
This page enumerates all the present and past projects at Tidalwave.

Project Latest version Repositories Other services Jenkins
blueHour Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
SonarQube Cloud
blueMarine II Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
SonarQube Cloud
MapView Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
SonarQube Cloud
Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
SonarQube Cloud
NorthernWind Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
2 missing repos in OpenHub
SonarQube Cloud
NorthernWind RCA (Zephyr) Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
SonarQube Cloud
SolidBlue III Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
SteelBlue Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
SonarQube Cloud
TheseFoolishThings Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
SonarQube Cloud

TheseFoolishThings SuperPOM Bitbucket, GitHub
TheseFoolishThings SuperPOM Config Bitbucket, GitHub
Tidalwave SuperPOM Bitbucket, GitHub
Legacy projects
blueBill Mobile Bitbucket
blueMarine Bitbucket
blueShades Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
CapeCanaveral Bitbucket
jrawio Bitbucket, GitHub OpenHub
ForceTen Bitbucket
Mistral for Rio Need to archive repo
Mistral for SunGrid Need to archive repo
OpenBlueSky Bitbucket
SolidBlue Bitbucket
SolidBlue II Bitbucket, GitHub
windRose Bitbucket